I reaLLi DuNnO's EnTry

Friday, March 02, 2007

All In A Day's Work

Phew... Its has been a long week. Since the big guy is off to Thailand for an engineering conference, I'm left to fend off all the PC problems alone, which includes going down to the Microsoft n visiting representatives for some discussion.

The Microsoft Office is super cool n the ppl seems polite. However I have been having this flu sick-to the stomach feeling. Halfway through the 4 hr discussion, I excused myself to the washroom to be sick ( the representatives were quite surprised cos we were engrossed in some process flow discussion).

After I came out of the cubicle, there was this lady who give me this auntie "I-am-really-concern-look" n asked me " You having morning sickness arh?" Without waiting for my answer, she drag on n on abt how young pregnant ladies nowadays get morning sickness, how skinny I look, how pale n malnutrition I am for a pregnant lady ( I am not pregnant, U bitch.)

All this while, I was standing by the sink coughing away n trying to fight off the wave of nauseaousness. It does'nt help wif the nosy insensitive remarks of a "I Know It all" auntie. In a fit of anger, I returned to the cubicle n slapped the door as hard as I could. Finally that idiot left the washroom. Peace.

Its so irritating bumping into such a bird-brained who thinks that every girl who goes to the toilet to puke is pregnant. Hello! This is one idiot who truly deserves my Flu virus n I am very optimistic abt her chances of being contaminated. That includes the puking part too. It will be a very enriching experience for her indeed.

OK... I'm still feeling giddy, sick n super tired from the flu. Got to install some GemPlus Card reader for the users on Monday. WooHoo! At least work distracts me fr the sick feeling =)
Work! Work!


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