I reaLLi DuNnO's EnTry

Thursday, August 04, 2005

To do List

I think I'm having a roll on Stats board jobs Good planning counts...matey

Lets recap my to-do list
1) go to a sunny island with nice beaches n cool barebodied guys... Phuket is the way to go...
2) go queensway shopping centre -> hopefully i get to see the queen and do things her way
3)read up on my basic theory... I hav not touch a single info...test = tmr
4)Paint my Converse sneakers...
5)buy fresh milk -> becos u can't get it for free (I do have a nice source to intro... but its tainted with flowerpots)
6)get my aching wisdom tooth checked ->Looks like I have glowing wisdom...

7)clean up my room -> cos i can't find my bed
8) sleep -> soon after i find my bed
9)finally, flowerpot-less day!!!


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